Monday, December 22, 2014

By an Island in November

Continuing the trip to North Carolina...

Here we have a boardwalk to the beach. This was actually not the boardwalk from our beach house. This was at this island named, Ocracoke Island. It's this really nice, long island, about an hour away by ferry. The temperature looks really nice doesn't it? I think it was just about the worst the whole week. It was extremely windy and just too cold. So the wind was actually pushing us to the ocean, but it was really bad on the way back. Another interesting point is the vanishing point in this picture. You can draw your audience into looking at what you want. Here, the first this the audience looks at is the vanishing point. (Where the boardwalk seems to have no end and then disappear. This picture is not the best example of a vanishing point though.)

My cousin who came from California is modeling for me in this picture. Haha, he's not actually modeling for me... He just decided to run past me and I decided to take a picture of that. It's pretty cool because you can now see the waters and the sand. 

Here, I actually made him model for me. I just told him to look at the ocean, and he did. I personally thought this would be a nice picture to edit completely. Usually, I just adjust the basics to make it look better. With this picture, I made the entire picture black-and-and-white expect for my cousin and the steps. The sand, water, and sky are grayed out. 

This is the beach at Ocracoke as well. The waters were so surprisingly blue and calm, yet it was so cold. 

 I took this picture just a little farther to the right. I found a decent sized shell with the waves in the background.

Ocracoke is famous for it lighthouse. Whats so famous about the lighthouse? Welll... it's the oldest one in North Carolina. That's all. Notice how blue the sky is... yet it was so sunny and cold. 

Here, I have an abstract array of colors. This was a reflection on a window, showing the reflection as well as whats happening outside (which is why there's green). You can actually a persons head at the top and a building in the left upper corner. Where do you think this was taken?

These row of houses sat a couple blocks away from ours. Every time we passed by it, it reminded me of the Painted Ladies in California. Except, these row of houses are so much smaller. It's probably a one or two roomed house with a garage in the back. If you can tell, this is edited just a little bit. I tried to edit these photos like the Painted Ladies pictures when I went to California this past summer. 

This was taken from inside our beach house on the last day we were there. That morning, the temperature was the best its been. It was warm, sunny, barely windy, and just great weather. Just check out the view from the deck... pretty awesome, huh? Wondering how the sun is peeking from above the doors? Well logic says... there's another window above the door, and you can see the whole room light up through the one window. It just looks like scene setter pictures right?

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