These pictures are just some pictures I randomly took. They are all pictures of flowers and I think they are back to good quality.
These are wildflowers I took at a park right before I went for a run.
This is the photoshopped version of the first picture. I changed the exposure, contrast, vibrance, sharpness, and the highlights. Honestly, there isn't much of a difference between the two.
This is the same two wildflowers as in the picture above. Whats different about this picture is the focus in it. The focus in this one is on the flower behind. When you first saw this picture, did you think, "why is the picture a bit blurry?". Then, when you looked around the picture, did you think, "hey, this is how it is supposed to be."? Everytime I look at this picture, I rerealize that this is how the picture is supposed to be.
This is the photoshopped version. I changed the exposure, highlights, contrast, vibrance, shadows, and the sharpness. All of this reduces the background light and makes the flower pop out.
These are the same wildflowers, but this is a group of them.
This is the photoshopped version. I cropped the picture, changed the contrast, highlights, shadows, and sharpness.
There is a running story corporated with this picture too. I was running while it was raining. And it was raining mildly. Nothing too harsh or too light. So, I just ran a mile and the rain was really getting to me. After a mile, I was well soaked. My hair was wet, my sweatshirt was soaked through, and even my socks were getting soggy. I thought, "This is enough running for today". As I was going for a cool down and I passed this flower. It looked so delicate because the rain droplets were clinging onto it tightly. I took like 10 pictures (there was trouble getting the flower to focus in the rain) and I was trying hard not to keep my Ipod out for too long. (It was still raining and I was afraid my iPod could get "ruined" from the rain.) Out of the ten pictures I took, I think this was about the best I got.
Honestly, even after taking more than 10 pictures, I wasn't satisfied. I was very satisfied after I photoshopped it. And this is what it looks like after I photoshopped it. The main thing was changing the temperature. The temperature adds some warm color to the picture. I also changed the contrast, shadows, and the sharpness.
The last photo at the very bottom is my favorite!