Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Scale the Car

Do you ever go back to the basics? In anything? Maybe go back to how to do something again? Yea, well I did for photography. I realized I needed to read about my camera so I took a looong skim through the manual and read over the different options and effects and everything. Along with that thick book came a thin booklet on ideas for photography. So after reading the booklet, I got inspired. The booklet had a wonderful trick. It had a really clever, misleading trick, and I fell for it myself. So after reading the booklet, I got inspired.

The trick was that you place a toy car in front of a physical picture, like a book. Well a fancy looking car in front of a nice background. The booklet had an example of a yellow car on a gray platform (which looked like a road) in front of a picture of some hills. Then place the car to fit the background (to make it look like the car is a part of the picture). Then you angle yourself the right way when taking the picture. The toy car in the booklet looked so real!

I tried something like that myself and this builing background was so hard to find! It's actually from a cookbook, and this toy car isn't even ours. One of our friends left it at our house years ago and it's been parked around the house for so long. Finally, it has a use now. The only thing wrong is that the car isn't scaled to the background. But, I used my creative mind to think that the building is just overly large compared to the car. I put this picture in black-and-white because the picture looked fake with color. The light reflected off the page and the green car looked really out of place. 

This is also using the same idea.  This background picture was actually from a photography book that I received. It's a really good book about a photographer telling the funny and odd stories around New York City. I looked for other pictures in the book that would be good for a car prop but I couldn't find anything suitable. It's hard to find a picture that is least a page wide. Anyway, did you notice the car in this picture? The trick to this picture is make it look like the car is a part of the picture. But the car is oddly placed too because you can see the 2-D cars in the picture. But, you get the idea. I made this picture black-and-white with some color because of the page reflections again. The light bounced off the page and highlighted certain areas.

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