Monday, December 30, 2013

Sea level

These are pictures I took at Daytona Beach, Florida. I took them on my Ipod and
only the first two are slightly photoshopped. (The only thing photoshopped was the exposure.)
 I took the first two pictures on the sand, as if you were seeing the waves coming
 towards you. The other ones are of the sunset and a seagull strolling by. :)

So, this is one I got with the water coming towards the camera and some seagulls in the background.

This is another one similar to the picture above.

This one is of the sunset with seagulls going by. It is not photoshopped.

This one is also of the sunset but it is more bright because the focus isn't on the sun. 
You can also see the water and the suns' reflection...

This is a seagull. This picture is pretty cool because you can see the reflection 
of the seagull on the water pretty well.

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