This is probably one of my favorite pictures I've edited since I got Adobe Photoshop.
Here's the original.
I originally wanted to edit this picture so that there would be some silhouette of trees on the side. I tried that for some time, played with the lighting of the picture, and instead got it to like it was taken at night. From here, I decided to have a starry sky above. To do this I...
1). Inserted a lens flare on the upper left corner to create a "sun" and made it glow pink
2). Put some texture onto the "sun" to make it look more realistic
3). Created a brush to draw in stars and filled in the sky
4). Made more sand bits in the sky by copying and altering them
5). Drew in more sand streaks into the air to emphasize that sand is being thrown
And voila! It is unrealistic because... how can you see a sun this big and stars right next to it, but it's pretty cool to look at don't you think?