Friday, April 1, 2016

Conversational Flower Show

I admit, flowers can get boring to look at for tons of people, but hey, you haven't seen them through my lens. My camera lens just spoofs them up, so when I look through the eye-piece, I see everything remarkably. It's as if the camera auto-edits the flower and captures it far more beautifully than the eye can see.

When we took a "vacation" to the Philadelphia Flower Show, which is an event at a huge convention center, I just had to take my camera. Flowers here, flowers there, oh my goodness, my camera worked so hard. The goal for me was to just find a new angle at flowers. A new eye, a fresh look at flowers.

The theme at the Flower Show this year was America's national parks, so there were many flowers and set-ups that resembled national parks. In this picture, there's a crazy looking flower, with a filter I love. The filter just gives me the clean-and-clear vibes. Don't you agree that this picture could be called Ms. Pristine because of how unblemished and glassy it looks? If I didn't know any better, the  lighting makes the flower look like it's manufactured with glass.

In the convention center, there was this fantastic bed of tulips, brimming with soo many colors and variations. Buuut I decided to go the other way and be dull with this picture. Here you have Snow White in the midst of her people. The focus is on the white flower, and I emphasized that by editing the picture to lose some background color.

PTC- Pacific Trail Crest. Information: the PTC is a hiker's trail starting in Mexico and ending in Canada. There are three types of hikers whom hike these trails, the "thru-hikers" (those who hike the whole trail), the "long distance hikers", and the "sectional hikers" (those who hike a section)! In this picture, I decided to go with an eloquent capture of the PTC trail, which is what the exhibit was mimicking. There's good depth of field in the picture, which portrays the flower as the focal point and the sign as part of the background.

 I feel like this flower just grows wildly, it's got that rough and tear feel to it. Which is probably why it's in the flower show, because it fits the national park theme! Here's something easy to point out- the flower fits the two-thirds rule, which makes the picture more appealing.

I'd say the only thing I wish that had gone better was the grain on all of my pictures. There's so much grain, I could've easily avoided it by reducing the ISO, if I had noticed sooner. It's hard to edit out grain because smoothing the picture removes its quality. 

And there you have it, flowers ain't boring. Never give up the chance to go to visit anything nature-based.

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