White as snow with confetti? Well check these pictures out. These flowers are so blank. So white. So wintery. After a while, my creative noggin clicked in and I decided to make the flowers a canvas. Why not spray on some colors? Which is why this is called, white as snow with confetti.
We bought these flowers almost right after my "tulips on fire" died. It was a quick replacement into the vase. I took this picture I confettified the flowers. And this picture is edited with a filter. It was too dull and didn't have enough light so I spiced it up and slammed on a filter.
Now, it is important to know that no damage was done to these flowers. Except for the extra ink weight it could be bearing. Nevertheless, I went through a quick thinking process. I could have added color to the water, therefore changed the color of the petals and the flower itself. Buut, what good is coloring ALL of the flowers? The way I did it was by splattering some ink onto just two flowers. Not the entire batch because it would stand out better if only two were painted on. So I used only three colors: red, yellow, and blue. The primary colors, which then mixed, which is why you can also see some green and purple and orange. Haha, it was just a small experiment.
Then I took picture after picture. Just trying different angles to capture the flowers. I landed on this angle because the sun lights up the surrounding flowers and the petals are glowing. The center of colored flower needs more light though.
Oooo its like these flowers are in a photoshoot. Well, technically, they were. I took a load of pictures of these flowers. This petals looks pretty cool in this picture. The way the shadows and how each petal is lit and in the spotlight is pretty neat.
In the similar setting, I got the whole view of all the flowers. But, it was my fault for not keeping the colored flowers either all the way in the picture or entirely out of the picture. Because here, half of the flower is showing on the bottom right, and you cant see the colors on the other flower in view. It looks odd that way. It would've been best to just leave them out of the frame.
This was one of my last angle ideas. I was running out of ideas, yet there are so many pictures to take with a white flower and the numerous backgrounds. Oh well. I like this one because of the color scheme. The colors on the backsplash compliments the white flower really well. I also edited this picture, which I should not have done, because the filter dulls the picture a little.
When I revisted this picture to decide if I should delete or not, my first thought was, woah! What is going on in this picture? After staring at it for a dozen seconds, it all made sense. The clear, glassy part you see at the bottom is the vase. The rest are all just flowers at a different angle. I think the thing that gets confusing about this picture is the fact that there's a lot going on and that all the colors are dark and shady.
This is a little clearer to understand. Why? Because pretty much everything is in focus, unlike the other picture. Also, I zoomed out a bit here, so you can see the whole picture better. It's slightly different too becuase the sun shines right through, and you get much better detail of the floewrs and leaves. How? If you see the dried up green leaf right above the glass, almost directly in the middle, you see it more defined because the sun lights the edges up and you can see the exact shape of it.
Now, these flowers are almost done with. The splatter ink stayed on the entire time ad didn't really bleed through the petals either. What's going to be our next set of flowers? I'm thinking it's going to be the flowers blooming from April showers.
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