I actually took many more pictures of those Valentine's Day tulips. Here they are.....
It's quite hard to comment on just tulips, so I'll say a few words about each.
This was in the kitchen, and the background isn't black. It's actually the earth-tone black-splash. I wanted the colors of the black-splash to stand out more, but it looks fine like this.
I keep looking at this picture, because something looks out of place every time. I just realized it was the way the flowers look from the top. It looks so scrunched and uncomfortable. Yet, they look like they're about to blossom, but its actually ready to wither off.
This looks like a good assortment of flowers, but one flower has the spotlight again. Actually, its the same flower as in the picture above. I took this picture against the couch, so you get a completely black background, which makes the flowers pop out.
Whenever I observe this picture, there's one peculiar idea that catches the eye. The petals looks like it's much too fragile and delicate. As if it was glass and one touch could destroy the entire bouquet. On top of that, the pair at the front looks translucent. I wonder what would happen if you shone a light through...
I never liked this picture because there's nothing intriguing about it, but that's my opinion on it. This was the watercolor effect on the camera itself. Maybe if the colors were outlined better, or there was something that stuck out more... it would appeal to me more.
These flowers were so smart. They played dead on us, just like animals do in the wild. Except these tulips are tamed extensively, so they should know better. I later figured out that there was no water in the vase, and they shot back up the next day, as if nothing happened in the first place. Some smart flowers we owned.
These were the final moments of the cluster. They completed their job so loyally, for two weeks, and died a hideous death. The petals withered and browned so dramatically. The next day, they were falling off. In this picture, you can see that the petals were already off on one of the flowers. They fell off one by one, and soon enough, all the stems were bare. No amount of water could bring back what was so dear to us, perhaps, until next year.
all of your tulip pictures are so amazing!!!!