Friday, November 7, 2014

Positioning Your Subject

Hey! Ever have that terribly bored feeling?You might be waiting for something and don't have anything to do? In this case, I was waiting for a ride, and I had absolutely nothing to do. I had my Ipod in hand though, so I looked around, saw some flowers, plucked them, and placed them in the grass. Literally, I tore the flowers from the stem (Hehe I'm so evil. Killing a plant just for a picture. Well there were more around...) and placed them in the grass as if they were growing from the grass. Honestly, if you look at these few pictures. they do look as if they are growing from the ground. Keep that in mind as you view them...

Think about this was the photographer positioned??? It's always interesting to think about how the photographer was positioned when taking a picture. Its interesting because you always see the picture, and think about how good the picture looks but you never think about the photographer. . Think about some marine life pictures or even a desert picture. Imagine what to photographer had to go through  and how they were positioned to get the perfect picture! Good photographers will go into the weirdest positions, and those are the best because they are getting the right angles. Well in this picture, I am on the grass with the camera peeking through. For example, take a peek at the pictures I have in this post... If I had taken the picture sitting down, or even standing up, it wouldn't have been nearly as good as laying down and getting the full perspective of the object. Remember this.... position yourself and the object to perspective.

Here is an original. The sun was shining bright because I took it around 4 p.m. So it was high time for white light. 

Here is the photoshopped version...obviously. You can tell by the shadow border and the improved light and color quality. You can see that the purple flower is a little more purple (vibrancy and contrast) and light highlights were taken off. 

Here is a different picture, same object and setting. I like this more though for reasons as follows...The purple flower is so much clearer and you can see plenty of details. It is photoshopped, so the black vinaigrette border makes the grass and flowers pop out.  There is also a small filter added onto the picture. It's called an autumn picture and it adds some temperature and hint of brown. Plus, there is this streak of bronze cutting across the picture. I am not entirely sure what it is, but if I had to guess, it would be a blade of grass in fast motion.

These is clearly a different flower, but the same background. I plucked this flower as well and placed it in the grass. The purple flower looks a little more natural though. I guess pink doesn't go that well with green. ;)

Now this is the photoshopped. It's not really that different though. A major difference you can notice right away is, the border. There isn't much of a difference in the lighting or color either. 

Funny story about this picture. Photographers have to do whatever they can to get a good picture right? At least in most cases.... Can you see the water droplets on this flower? Now in all reality, it didn't rain magically for two mintues and then stop. I didn't take this at a seperate time either. (I was waiting outside for a ride, I took all the pictures in that period of time. Not staggered.) Then how is there water on just that one flower, and not even on the grass? Well I did the unthinkable ;) I just poured some water over the flower. At least it gives the rain effect or the early morning dew look. Look at how much power photographers have!

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