Monday, March 24, 2014

A Boring Day

Ever bored? I was very bored one day so I took some pictures in my house. They turned pretty ok. All were taken on my ipod touch. A couple were photoshopped. But these were taken as past time. Also, I wanted to mention the different effects available and how they can vary. For example, the first three pictures are the same but have different effects.

This one has the tonal effect. That makes it partially black and white, but it still has some color. 

This one has the process effect with the black borders around it. The process effect just makes the colors less vibrant and more dull. 

This is the orginal picture. However, it is slightly photoshopped. Contrast, saturation, and sharpening was added. 

This is looking up at the trunk of a plant. You can see the cool textures and colors on the plant very clearly. 

This is the same plant but instead of looking up, it is looking down. 

This is also the same plant. It is one of the branches where the leaves start sprouting out. This is cool because there is not much of a background. The focus point takes up all of the space, so you don't have extra objects in the back. 

This is the trunk of the same plant. This is one of my favorites. The trunk takes up half of the picture and the other half is the background. The background is also intentionally blurry, but the background (a fireplace and another plant) could have been better.