Monday, November 18, 2013

Focus on the Flowers!

These are pictures of flowers I took when our family went on vacation in Williamsburg, Virginia . The funny thing about this picture is that I took the picture in May of 2013. A couple days ago, I was skimming through random pictures, when I rediscovered this one (the actual picture)- 

And then I thought, wow! This was a really cool picture! I knew I had taken the picture of these flowers because I was taking pictures that day. Then I thought, this would be a really cool picture if I photoshopped it! And I did. This is what it turned out to be...

Later on, while I was going through some other pictures that day, I realized that it would be really cool if I made it into dreamy or hazy picture. That's what I turned the original picture into.What I had done is put soft focus so the background was out of focus, and the flower was still clear. This is what turned out to be....

This picture is basically the same thing as the one right above. The only thing that is different is that there is less vibrance and less temperature. This gives a more subtle look on the flower. This is the end result.....

 Now, compare the second and third pictures. For me, I got so use to the third one with a blurred background, that when I looked back at the second one, the background looked so cool! It was as if the third flower's background was in fact like a dream!